

About us


The Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association envisions a country  in which all women, men and young people have equal access to information and quality services related to their sexual and reproductive life, with all necessary legislation to support the nature and precious aspects of all reproductive rights, throughout the life cycle. It also envisions a community where gender mainstreamed; reproductive choices are respected, and free of any kind of discrimination.

We aim to improve the quality of life for Palestinian people through provision of high quality of SRH services including the underserved areas.

We aim at improving the knowledge and life skills of all young men and women in SRH; in recognizing their SRH rights and a life free of violence and discrimination.

We support the right of women to choose the number and time of safe pregnancies as well as a safe abortion for medical reasons.

We seek the elimination of sexually transmitted infections and to avoid the spread of HIV/ AIDS

We aim for stakeholders to be advocates for sexual and reproductive health rights, and to strengthen partnership with other organizations.

Youth: All Palestinian young people are aware of their well being and are prepared to make informed decisions and choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health.

Access: All Palestinian women, men including young people, especially in the under-served areas have access to a comprehensive quality sexual and reproductive health services and are able to practice their reproductive rights.

Advocacy: To achieve a strong public, political and financial commitment in Palestine to and support for sexual and reproductive health and rights at the national and international level.

HIV/AIDS: To reduce the infectivity of HIV/AIDS in Palestine, and to fully protect the rights of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Abortion: To recognize Palestinian women’s rights to have access to information and health education on the dangers of unsafe abortion and methods of prevention to reduce its occurrence.


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News And Activities

News And Activities

Service Delivery Point

Ramallah AbuDis Jerusalem Bethlehem Halhoul Hebron Gaza


Postpartum mother care

One of the goals of family planning

Postpartum mother care

Postpartum mother care

cervical cancer

One of the goals of family planning

One of the goals of family planning


Latest Stories

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3 years ago

3 years ago

3 years ago

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Azam Aldaqaq


Hiba Bader

Vice Presedent

'Adnan Dana


Eman Jado

Hussam Saleh


Awatef Nashashibi


Anan Qutteineh


Ibtisam Hamoda


Manal Nabulsi




Amal Awadallah

Executive Director

Muna Abu Diab

financial manager

Wisal Karaja

Program Manager

Sara Abu Ghazalleh

Administrative assistance

Rula al shahed


Niveen Dajani

senior accountant