PFPPA in Bethlehem
PFPPA has been working in Bethlehem area for many years providing various services.
The Women Health Clinic provides the following services:
- Family planning
- Treatment of sexually transmitted infections
- Treatment of gynecological problems
- Pre-post natal care
- Treatment of infertility
- Early detection of breast and cervical cancer
- Menopausal issues care
- Laboratory and diagnostic testings
- Health, psychological, social and legal counseling by professional staff who also deliver awareness raising sessions regarding sexual and reproductive health within the clinic and in different areas within the district
Working Dates and Hours:
The Health Clinic is opened Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday from 8:00 am till 2:00 pm
Phone Number: 02/ 2770438
Fax Number: 02/ 2770438
Location: Bab Zqaq, next to al-Husseini Hospital